Sachin Tiwari

Sachin Tiwari

Sachin contributes to the implementation and research of Frank Water’s WASH programme in India, Nepal and Kenya. He has a master’s degree in development from Azim Premji University, Bengaluru, and has worked in development for nearly a decade. His areas of interest include aid effectiveness, labour welfare, and public policy in middle-income countries.

Our team

Jon Shepherd

Jon Shepherd

Head of Programmes & Funding

Head of Programmes & Funding, Jon, has more than 15 year...

Head of Programmes & Funding, Jon, h...

Praveena Sridhar

Praveena Sridhar

India Programme Coordinator

Praveena has worked in India’s Water, Hygiene and Sani...

Praveena has worked in India’s Wat...

Katie Alcott MBE

Katie Alcott MBE

CEO & Founder

Award-winning social entrepreneur Katie founded Frank Water ...

Award-winning social entrepreneur Katie ...