Give As You Earn (GAYE) is a scheme that enables employees to donate to any UK charity straight from their gross salary (before tax is deducted) meaning that you receive immediate tax relief.
Donations are taken from your pay or company/personal pension, after your National Insurance contributions are removed but before Income Tax is calculated and deducted. For instance, if you are a 20% taxpayer, 80% of your donation amount will be taken from your salary and 20% will be taken from the tax which would have gone to HMRC.
Offering Match Giving is a powerful and popular way of encouraging employees to sign up to Payroll Giving. Your company may also make donations that match the contributions of your staff – potentially doubling the money that will provide safe water, sanitation and hygiene for marginalised communities.
Joining in a GAYE scheme costs a company nothing – it is simple and a cost-effective way of engaging with staff.
If you would like to give in this way, please talk to the HR team at your organisation, and if you have questions or would like to talk to us about supporting Frank Water, please email fundraising@frankwater.com