World Water Day takes place on 22 March and this year’s theme is ‘Water for Peace’. When we cooperate on water, we create a positive ripple effect – fostering harmony, generating prosperity, and building resilience to share challenges. We must act upon the realisation that water is not only a resource to be used and competed over – it’s a human right, intrinsic to every aspect of life. This World Water Day, we all need to unite around water and use water for peace, laying the foundations of a more stable and prosperous tomorrow.
Frank Water’s World Water Day Appeal, ‘Peace Flow’s has now finished, and we wanted to say a huge thank you to everyone who donated, shared, or liked a social post. You helped us reach our target of £30,000!
Donations made up to £15,000 during the appeal have been DOUBLED thanks to match funding from Blue Sky Botanics, Ethicall, Apacor, ByWater Services, and other incredible supporters.

Working closely with communities, we know that individuals experience greater inner peace thanks to their improved access to safe water – no longer feeling the burden or uncertainty of water collection to meet family needs. At home, reliable access to clean water reduces family conflict and illness. Equitable water sharing builds peace in the community, and reduced water scarcity allows communities to thrive instead of being forced to migrate.
Your support will allow us to facilitate a flow of peace and transform people’s lives, ensuring they have safe, clean water with decent sanitation, and good hygiene for communities in India, Nepal, and Kenya.
How your donations can support our World Water Day Appeal:
£5 can bring peace to a mother knowing her children have safe water to drink.
£30 can train a local government worker to support communities in achieving better water, sanitation, and hygiene.
£60 can bring a community together to learn about safe water, sanitation, and hygiene – strengthening community cohesion.
£100 can reduce conflict amongst villages sharing sparse water resources.
£1000 can pay for people in one village to dig trenches, weirs, dams, and wells and plant trees – all of the measures needed to manage water sustainably and ensure there are no more disputes about sharing fairly.
£5000 can help us to advocate and proliferate our research on water management at a national level, supporting peace for a whole nation.

Frequently asked questions:
What is match funding?
Match funding doubles the good things that your donation can make happen. Our corporate partners and philanthropists have agreed to match any donations made by others during the week of this appeal, up to a total of £15,000. This means we can potentially raise £30,000, which will have a greater impact on the people we work with.
How will my money be spent?
The funding will go towards projects with the greatest need, helping us to keep families safe from disease and ensure that the hardest-to-reach communities have a sustainable, safe supply of clean water. In addition, our work boosts local biodiversity and protects the vital water sources that are under threat due to the impact of the climate crisis.
How much of my donation is used for charity administration?
For every £1 you give, 79p is spent on delivering safe water, decent sanitation, and good hygiene to communities. 21p is spent on fundraising costs, so we can reach more people in the future.
How do I know the water supply will leverage peace in the communities Frank Water supports?
International water aid has come a long way since the installation of pumps by teams from other countries. Our projects are community-owned and community-led, with a forward-looking water security plan. The solutions we recommend are created through collaboration and in consultation with the community members themselves, they tend to be nature-based, rather than engineered, meaning that they are easy to maintain and protect the watershed for the long term.