Drum Roll Please! We’re Thrilled To Announce Anita Rani Is Frank Water’s Newest Charity Patron!

Drum Roll Please! We’re Thrilled To Announce Anita Rani Is Frank Water’s Newest Charity Patron!

Strictly superstar and BBC Countryfile presenter, Anita Rani has been announced as patron of UK water charity, Frank Water.

Anita first lent her support to the charity by voicing Frank Water’s Radio 4 Charity Appeal in July 2016. The appeal, which aired twice in one week, raised more than £15,000 for the charity.

As well as her star turn as a celebrity dancer, Anita is best-known as presenter on BBC One’s Countryfile. She has also presented and co-presented a number of factual programmes on India, including The World’s Busiest Railway Station for BBC Two, part of BBC’s major India season in 2015.

“We are thrilled that Anita has agreed to become a patron of Frank Water. She’s a true advocate for our work, especially the support we offer women and girls – usually those who are most affected by a lack of safe water. She understands as we do, that all development starts with water.”

Katie, Founder and CEO
Anita Rani, Frank Water’s Newest Patron

“Having got to know the Frank Water team and their projects over the last six months, I knew it was a cause I wanted to support in the long term. With water, comes education, health, rights, and livelihoods and, importantly improved life chances for women and girls. Before everything, clean water.”

Anita Rani

This World Water Day, Anita Rani is supporting Frank Water’s #Drop4Drop Appeal. From 22nd March 2017, all donations (up to £2500) will be doubled, giving supporters the chance to make double the difference.

Donations will be matched by Blue Sky Botanics – one of Frank Water’s corporate partners.