Refill for Restaurants

Refill for Restaurants

Water for Water

Offer your customers unlimited tap water refills and raise money for safe water projects, through our Drink Me Save Lives scheme.

water pouring from glass bottle into glass on table

How does Drink Me Save Lives work?

You add a voluntary donation to every table’s bill in return for unlimited, free refills of tap water. Our Refill team can provide training for your staff and information about the scheme for your customers. Plus, we’ll send you regular updates on how your customers are helping change lives.

Pie, mash and vegetables with gravy boat in background

Every drop counts

Award-winning restaurant chain, Pieminister offer unlimited, free refills of tap water in each of their fifteen restaurants across the UK. Since 2018, they’ve raised more than £20,000 for safe water and sanitation, simply by asking their customers for a voluntary 75p donation per table.

Watch this short video to learn more.

Refill for Festivals

Read more about our Festival Refill Service

Buy Frank Water

See our full range of bottled water in recycled glass

Water Hydration Solutions

Explore the options